Blog Post

Safeguarding the Global Commons for Human Prosperity and Environmental Sustainability
May 19, 2022

To inspire and guide decision-makers from governments, business and finance, civil society and international organizations, the Center for Global Commons at the University of Tokyo, with support from SYSTEMIQ, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), has developed the Global Commons Stewardship Framework. Drawing on the latest science, this framework for action can bring together stakeholders, promote transformations and inform deft diplomacy in support of security and the Global Commons.

The Global Commons Stewardship Framework is organized around four system transformations: decarbonization of energy, industry and transport; sustainable cities and communities; sustainable production and consumption; and sustainable food, forests, land, water and oceans. Each in turn can be activated through four common action levers. The report sets out calls for action that will help different stakeholders drive the four transformations to safeguard the Global Commons.

Ensuring the health and resilience of the Global Commons is in the interests of all nations, but some countries bear a disproportionate responsibility. This is made clear by the Global Commons Stewardship Index published by the SDSN and Yale University, which shows that rich countries are driving adverse impacts on the Global Commons in less developed countries.

Download the report today!
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